Since 1987, Microcomputer Systems (MCS) has been helping customers find answers to their technology and hardware problems. Our staff is well-versed in current technology and hardware availability so that we can provide our customers with the most economical and reliable solution. Whether it is hardware, software or training, we offer expertise in all fields.
Since its beginning, Microcomputer Systems, Inc. (MCS) has been a full service technology provider to schools and other public and private sector organizations in Mississippi.  Our services include:

  •  Computer Lab Deployment and Service of Existing Labs
  • Disaster Recovery Solutions
  • Server Deployment
  • Visualization
  • Training
  • E-Mail solutions






Structured Cabling Systems is the key investment for infrastructure

We work with our partner who is

  • Registered Communications Distribution Designer
  • Industry trained & certified employees in Cat 5e/6, fiber optic